Primarius Blog - Bookkeeping made easy

Muriel Oliver
Case Study | 8 Aug 2018

Last updated: 31 July 2020

Here at Primarius, we are all about making your financial life work better for you.

One of the areas that we like to add value is bookkeeping. If you have an in-house bookkeeper or process your work by yourself, then we can still help. We hold registrations on all major cloud accounting solutions including Xero, MYOB, Quicken & SAASU.

Not only can we help find the solution which best meets your needs, but also assistance along the way. If you are already using one of these online systems, then we offer unlimited support and can even tailor the solution to help streamline your end of year work. In this last year, we have encouraged and supported 3 different businesses to change their record-keeping to make it function better and yes, we actually reduced our ongoing fees.  We are in the business of adding value to our clients, and that includes cutting out any and all unnecessary costs.

Keeping your bookkeeping up to date and your ducks in a row may be essential for the survival of your business - read more why here.

Monthly bookkeeping support fees range from $20 to $100 per month depending on your needs & the size of your business.

Have a chat with us about your bookkeeping today - just email us on 



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