Primarius Blog - Get your ducks in a row

Muriel Oliver
Update | 3 Apr 2020

In this crazy world there are numerous pressures around, so keeping your ducks in a row is more important than ever. Why? The Government is offering a bunch of incentives to support business - read our recent update here.  However, here's the kicker - businesses that have not complied by keeping their lodgements up to date, will not qualify for these payments.  

We are regularly following up on many of our clients that fall behind in their lodgements some for good reasons and others just because they don't see this as a priority.  In general, the stress and cost of catching up to date can quickly turn general compliance work into a burden instead of a routine function. Marie Kondo says Tidy up your space, transform your life and she's right, keeping your life tidy or your ducks in a row makes everything run more smoothly.

The ATO has already run out of patience with serial non-lodgers and now the Government is taking a tough line by refusing to allow them to share in the Covid-19 relief measures. 

We focus on making accounting and record-keeping efficient, cost-effective and stress-free - read more here. If you are finding it tough to stay up to date with your tax lodgement obligations, contact us on


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