Primarius Blog - Austrac's 5 tips for spotting a fake website

Muriel Oliver
Case Study | 28 Apr 2024

Austrac recently posted an update on the top tips to spot a fake website and here they are:

  1. Be suspicious of unsolicited requests: Avoid clicking on links or providing personal information in response to unexpected contact.
  2. Verify the website’s authenticity: Carefully double-check the URL as scammers attempt to make the URL of fake sites look as authentic as possible by adding an additional character. Official websites often have clear, straightforward URLs that match the agency’s name. Additionally, Australian government website addresses will always end in “”. 
  3. Review the website’s design and content: Official websites often have professional designs, a clear layout and high-quality content. While a fake site may initially look legitimate, often on further inspection there may be design flaws, spelling mistakes, poor grammar or a lack of contact information. 
  4. Verify the contact information: Authentic websites typically provide contact details such as the physical address, phone number and email address. Check this information for anything unusual, for example, a contact page that states the main AUSTRAC office is located outside of Australia.
  5. Check Google search: When in doubt search Google – the official website will most often appear at the top of the search results

Read the full Austrac article by clicking here.

Disclaimer: This information is general in nature and is provided by Austrac, a government organisation, so if you require assistance please refer to the contact details on this article - click here

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